Terms & Conditions
1. Fees - payment of the course fees will secure a place on a course. We are sorry but we are unable to hold places open without payment.
2. Cancellation - If you need to cancel - cancellation of a booking may be made up to 14 days prior to the start date of the course. In such circumstances an email must be received by Guiding Paws within the timeframe and a full refund minus a £25 administration fee will be made. Cancellations received less than 14 days before the event will not be entitled to a refund unless the place can be re-sold. Refunds can and will only be made by the same method the original payment was received.
Private appointments may be re-scheduled with 48 hours minimum notice. Private appointment cancellations will incur a cancellation fee of £25 providing a minimum of 48 hours notice is received by email. Cancellations less than 48 hours will not be entitled to the session refund.
Silver & Gold Packages Full course cancellations are subject to the terms given above in para 2. Individual session cannot be cancelled and refunded. Dates will be agreed and booked in advance and up to 1 appointment can be rescheduled with 48 hours notice and subject to diary availability.
Payment Instalment Plans - these are offered for some workshops with the payee agreement to ensure all payments are made. Payees who decide to discontinue you course will still be liable to the full course cost. Failed payments may result in the remainder of the course fee being due immediately. Any payee experiencing financial difficulties should contact karen@guidingpaws.co.uk without delay.
3 Dogs – You are responsible for the conduct of your own dog at all times. Please be aware and do not allow your dog to approach others without asking the handlers; some dogs may be uncomfortable around other dogs or people and handlers may be working through these problems by closely monitoring their dog’s proximity to others.
DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON A LEAD at all times unless staff give permission to the contrary.
DOGS IN CARS - The car parks have no shade and cars MUST be covered appropriately to keep cars cool in warm weather. This includes winter time when cars can still heat up in direct sun. Water and adequate ventilation are essential. Dogs MUST be secured in your car when left either in a crate or between a dog/tailgate guards to prevent accidental escape. This is mandetory for workshop attendance. Guiding Paws reserve the right to ask owners to leave and take their dogs’ home should the dog’s welfare be compromised.
HARSH HANDLING - Guiding Paws adhere to the APDT code of practice. Should any handler or their family or friends be seen using harsh handling or aversive equipment (please refer to para 8. Definitions) staff will privately bring this to their attention and politely ask that the practice ceases. We will also advise on a more appropriate method and/or equipment. Should it continue Guiding Paws reserve the right to ask owners to leave and take their dogs’ home. No refunds will be given in these circumstances.
4 Health & Safety – all attendees agree to abide by the health & safety instructions given by the organisers. In particular, evacuation procedures in the event of a fire.
5. Parking – Guiding Paws can take no responsibility for damage/loss to cars parked on their premises. Guidance will be given on arrival on where to park. Please park considerately as space is limited.
6. Course Cancellation – in the event that the organisers need to cancel the course due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be made to all delegates within 14 days of the cancellation date. Notification of cancellation will be made to all delegates by email. Refunds can and will only be made by the same method the original payment was received. Should this occur on the actual date of the course we will attempt to make contact by telephone wherever possible. We will also post a cancellation notice on Facebook (Guiding Paws), Twitter (#guidingpaws1) and the website www.guidingpaws.co.uk providing that Internet access is available.
7. Vaccination - Please bring your vaccination card to the first session or send a photocopy / email a copy prior to the course start. Failure to do this will result in you not being able to start the course. This policy is to protect the health of dogs and puppies visiting the site.
8. Definitions - of equipment /handling not permitted: electric or spray collars, slip leads, check or half check chains, prong collars, illusion collars, pet correctors, rattle cans, water sprays. Nor do we allow any physical corrections, alpha rolls or verbal abuse towards dogs in our classes. Head collars and harnesses may be used if the make and fit are checked with your trainer in advance.